Products of Animal Origin
Products of Animal Origin (POAO) are goods derived from animals, and include; certain live animals for direct human consumption, foodstuffs, animal by-products, and goods that may have come into contact with animals.
All Products of Animal Origin (POAO), Animal By-Products (ABP) consignments need to be pre-notified on the Import of products, animals, food and feed system (IPAFFS).
You must submit your notification in IPAFFS at least one working day before your consignment is due to arrive. You can submit your notification up to 30 days in advance.
How to pre-notify
You should register and use IPAFFS To register to use the IPAFFS system traders will need to set up a Government Gateway account and create a Defra account for the IPAFFS service.
A training video and guidance on how to create and complete a pre-notification on IPAFFS are available.
In August 2023 the UK Government has published the final Border Target Operating Model (BTOM), the copy can be seen here: The Border Target Operating Model
The final Border Target Operating Model sets out a new approach to security controls (applying to all imports), and sanitary and phytosanitary controls (applying to imports of live animals, animal products, plants and plants products) at the border. It sets out how controls will be simplified and digitised.
It incorporates and responds to feedback from stakeholders on the earlier draft Border Target Operating Model. It has been developed with further collaboration across the UK, Scottish and Welsh Governments, and engagement with officials from the devolved administration in Northern Ireland.
Import risk categories for animal and animal products imported into GB from April 30th 2024
BTOM describes 3 risk categories:
- Low
- Must be pre-notified using import of products, animals, food and feed system (IPAFFS) before the goods arrive in Great Britain. The system will create CHED document.
- Must be accompanied by a commercial document from the supplier.
- There is no need for a health certificate.
- Medium
- Must be pre-notified through (IPAFFS) before the goods arrive in Great Britain, with CHED document.
- The consignment must be accompanied by a health certificate issued by the competent authority in the country where the goods originate
- Products in the medium TOM risk category may be subject to physical import checks.
- High
- Must be pre-notified using (IPAFFS) before the goods arrive in Great Britain
- The consignment must have a health certificate issued by the competent authority in the country where the goods originate.
- Most consignments in the high BTOM risk category are already subject to physical import checks.
Regardless of the risk category, all products subject to Sanitary and Phytosanitary official controls will need to enter Great Britain through a point of entry with a BCP that is designated to check them and may be subject to documentary, identity, and physical import checks.
For EU goods entering Great Britain through west coast ports, there will be a different implementation date for identity and physical checks and for the requirement to enter through a port with a BCP. There is more detail in the Border Target Operating Model.
- From non-EU countries to Great Britain
All products subject to official border controls (Listed on the Regulation (EU) 2019/2007) must enter Great Britain through a point of entry with a BCP that is designated to check them
Products of animal origin (POAO), references to Category II in the tables below relate to Annex I of Retained EU Regulation 2019/2129.
‘Permitted countries’ are countries that meet both of the following criteria:
- They have been approved to export a particular product to Great Britain (also referred to as having ‘market access’).
- They have also been subject to a TOM risk assessment for imports of animals and animal products.
Exporting countries need approval to send animals and animal products to Great Britain. This is also referred to as having ‘market access’. See details of non-EU countries approved to export animals and animal products to Great Britain
Permitted countries.
BTOM risk categories for non-EU countries only apply to countries that have been subject to a risk assessment. These are:
- Argentina
- Australia
- Botswana
- Brazil
- Canada
- Chile
- China
- Ecuador
- India
- Israel
- Japan
- Namibia
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- Singapore
- South Africa
- South Korea
- Thailand
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- United States
- Uruguay
- Vietnam
In the BTOM risk category summary tables, the phrase ‘all permitted countries’ means all countries from this list that have been approved to export a particular animal or product to Great Britain.
Other countries that have market access but have not been subject to a TOM risk assessment will continue to follow existing import processes.
Certain products of animal origin, such as composite products, have separate market access arrangements which are not covered in the lists referenced above. Check the relevant APHA import information note to confirm market access arrangements for these products.
Useful links:
The Border Target Operating Model: August 2023- final
Model health certificates for exports of live animals and animal products to Great Britain
Import live animals and germinal products from the EU to Great Britain - GOV.UK (
How to complete a health certificate to export to Great Britain - GOV.UK (
Import of products, animals, food and feed system (IPAFFS) - GOV.UK (
UK border control posts: animal and animal product imports - GOV.UK (
- What documents do I need to import live animals, not for direct human consumption (e.g., pets, horses, cows, sheep, live snails for educational purposes, live animals for breeding purposes etc)?
Port Health Authorities in GB only deal with products of animal origin imports, including live animals for direct human consumption, at the moment. Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) is the GB Authority dealing with the import of live animals into GB and we suggest contacting them for this enquiry.
They can be contacted using their general enquiries telephone number 03000 200 301 or via email at
- The products were not banned when we were members of the EU, why has the UK decided that they are suddenly a health risk? What’s changed
As a result of the UK leaving the EU in 2020 and the end of the transition period on the 31 December 2020, the EU is now a third country and is required to follow the same rules applied to all other third countries. Therefore, as P&Rs apply to imports of commodities from third countries, P&R will now also apply to the EU.
- When do I need an Export Health Certificate?
Export Health Certificate requirement came into force for animal products coming from EU and EFTA countries on the 31st January 2024.
Further information about requirements can be found on
- Where can I view the Export Health Certificates?
EHCs are issued by the competent authority in the exporting country, based on the requirements outlined in the model Export Health Certificates.
- Do my animal products need to enter via a point of entry with a Border Control Post?
Yes, from 30th of April 2024 your animal products consignment need to enter Great Britain via Border Control Post that is designated to receive your type of goods. Please click the link here for a list of approved BCPs .
- How and where will I need to pre-notify my goods?
IPAFFS is the import of products, animals, food and feed system (IPAFFS) and is the system used to notify the arrival of imports of live animals, animal products and high-risk food and feed not of animal origin.
It is the responsibility of the GB importer (or a representative acting on their behalf) to register for IPAFFS to pre-notify the relevant authority of the goods’ arrival. If an EHC is required for the commodity, the EU exporter should provide the GB importer with an electronic copy of the EHC and the GB importer must upload this on to the notification in IPAFFS.
You can watch the video on how to register for IPAFFS and how to pre-notify.
You can register for IPAFFS on
- What are the import conditions for goods that are transiting through Great Britain, known as land bridge?
Further information on land bridge could be found here: Transiting animals and animal products through Great Britain - GOV.UK
- My composite product is exempt from official border controls, will I need to pre-notify its arrival into Great Britain?
No, if your product meets the requirements for exemption from Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) controls you do not need to pre-notify authorities of its arrival.
Further information is available on
- What are the import conditions for products under safeguard measures?
No, products being imported under safeguard measures must continue to follow existing requirements and controls.
Emergency safeguard action can be taken at very short notice to prohibit or restrict the importation of certain products from certain countries following an outbreak of disease or a public health issue (such as bird flu (avian influenza) or African swine fever). Information on the latest updates concerning disease outbreaks which may affect imports into the UK can be found on Imports, exports and EU trade of animals and animal products: topical issues.
POAO from EU under safeguard measures are required to be pre-notified in advance of arrival using IPAFFS and all goods must be accompanied by an export health certificate.