Dover Port Health Authority

Contact Us

Dover Port Health Authority is the statutory Port Health Authority for imported food, infectious diseases and public health controls at the Port of Dover & the Channel Tunnel. Before contacting us, please read the Import Guidance pages on this site, where you may well find the answer to your query. If you cannot find the answer to your question on this site, please see the port health contacts for email address and telephone number.

Email Address- Porthealth@dover.gov.uk

Telephone Number- 01304 872216

Monday till Friday

9am – 5pm

Email Address- Publicprotection@dover.gov.uk

Telephone Number- 01304 872216

  1.  Animal, Plant and Health Agency (APHA) - 0300 100 03130
    1. IPAFFS general - 0300 100 03130
    2. IPAFFS technical - 0330 041 6999
    3. Animal and Plant Health Agency - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
  2. Defra Rural Services - 0300 020 0301 
    1. DEFRA also has a number of additional helplines for the commodity you are exporting to the EU. 
    2. Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
  3. HMRC Imports and Exports General Enquiries (including GVMS) - 0300 322 9434
    1. HMRC also operates a number of services, including: Import/export general enquiries can be made by calling 0300 200 3700. 
    2. HM Revenue & Customs - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
  4. Marine Management Organisation (MMO)- info@marinemanagement.org.uk
    1. Marine Management Organisation - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
  5. Port of Dover- Tel: 01304 240400

See Also